dear family and friends
well it is election time in america. the leaves are changing and the answers are blowin in the wind. here in the ozarks we will have our first "killing" frost tonight.
i am listening to lowell george sing apolitical blues.............." they say it is chairman mao
i just dont want to talk to him now."
i did get a little political today, i went out and voted. i'll tell you later who i voted for, we have more important issues to deal with now.
i went to the county courthouse and could not get in the parking lot, no it wasn't crowded it was closed. the sherrifs deputies standing outside said they closed it because it was starting to fall in.
now i know our infrastructure got a D from the american society of civil engineers but this still smelled fishy. my immediate reaction was it was a reverse acorn. there was a piece of plywood on the ground with some cinder blocks holding it down. the deputies said there was a nine foot hole. i said wow and they said wow right back.
i will do some more investigating as we all know "timing is everything."
so back to the subject at hand. senator barack obama.
i am sure many of you have good reasons for voting FOR obama. i have some not so good reasons some may be voting for him.
if you are voting for him because he is black .....this is a bad reason.
if you are voting for him because he is young and energetic ......this is a bad reason.
if you are voting for him because he is a good orator ............this is a bad reason.
if you are voting for him because you hate george bush ........this is a bad reason
if you are voting for him because you think things will change .......this is a very bad reason.
i did a little research on senator obama to see who his biggest contributors are. well golleeeeeee you would never guess.
but first for those of you who opposed the wall street sellout........that is those of you still breathing everyone.
i happened to see our good senator on the floor of the u.s. senate (you know the u.s. the took the us out of) giving an impassioned speech in favor of the sellout.
this is a bill that swelled from a mere three pages and 700 billion to 850 billion+ and over 450 pages in the space of three days. now when i was 13 years old i had to take a speed reading course to take the advanced english class in my freshman year of high school. i can read pretty damn fast when i want to. but never in my wildest amphetamine crazed fantasies could i have ever dreamed of reading over 450 pages of legalese in one day. nor could i imagine how any one could have written a piece of legislation in two days. it kind of reminds me of another bill that materialized out of thin air .........the patriot act. so senator obama takes a break from his campaign to ride into dodge to make sure he does the "people's" business. it was quite a speech urging his peers to vote for something he never read.
excuse me but i think he called john mccain erratic. how does one describe his behavior..........thoughtful? considered?intelligent? yep intelligent.
here is why it was intelligent. please keep in mind who it was that brought you the financial crisis in the first place.
here is a partial list of the top contributors to senator obama's campaign, some of which should ring a bell ...........get it wall street ring a bell..........oh never mind.
goldman sachs............................$799,821 top of the list
jp morgan....................................$529,012
citigroup.......................................$523,948..........robert rubin top economic adviser to
the obama campaign and chairman
of citigroup
ubs ag.........................................$435,000
skadden arps..............................$415,480.......more on them later
lehman........................................$403, come they didnt get bailed out?
morgan stanley............................$367,380
time warner................................. $379,313..............great coverage
google..........................................$499, google merger coming up
this will them give control to over 80%
of the advertising on the internet
so we have 4 of the top contributors to the obama campaign among the nine banks that are getting the lions share of the money from the bailout.
ubs ag is a huge investment bank in switzerland which has already received a big
helping hand in europe.
i really would like to know though what happened to lehman $403k should go a long way. one day the story will come out............inquiring minds want to know.
then there is skadden arps. with approximately 2000 lawyers (cant be too careful) 22 strategically placed offices on four continents (none on antartica). they have beijing, tokyo, london and wall street covered.
they have been named the best corporate law firm in the u.s. for the 8th straight year.
this according to corporate board magazine. they came in with $415k.
it is expensive to run for president. costs about 600 million+ for a $400k a year job.
i think the electorate would be better served by staffmark after all it is a temporary job.
oh i forgot......... one more.
university of chicago.....................$294,237..........uncle miltie's school to be covered in a later post.
in a nod to my own fairness doctrine i will give you some of john mccains numbers.
merril lynch...................................$358, longer around but faired better
than lehman
morgan stanley.............................$250,377
goldman sachs.............................$245,995
jp morgan.....................................$215,092
credit suisse.................................$177,603
wachovia......................................$150,256..........bought out
bank of america...........................$147,276
ubs ag..........................................$139,865
just a quick observation will reveal a startling discrepancy in the contributions between obama and mccain. not to mention two of the contributors to mccain no longer exist.
i used to play the ponies, pitch pennies, bet on a football game or two and still enjoy a game of poker now and again. let me tell you folks if obama is your man and you are the least bit nervous about obama getting elected well relax the fix is in.
any money these guys gave mccain was just to hedge their bets........hedge funds anyone.
these guys dont throw that kind of money around (when it is their own) unless it is a sure thing. these are black box traders, they invented the game. it is OVER.
if anyone would like to take a little side bet i am ready.
so the people that brought the american economy to it's knees are backing obama.
if you are voting for him because you think things will change ........this is a VERY VERY VERY bad reason.
if you are voting for him because he promised to expand bush's faith based initiatives...................thomas jefferson thinks that is a very bad reason.
so who am i voting for?
well a few weeks ago a guy came to fayetteville and gave a talk. i had heard it many times but this was the first time in person. he appeared weary at first and started very slowly. i really felt sorry for him. it was almost pathetic. but then there was a change it was very subtle but you could feel the passion rise. you could see the honesty in his face. you could hear the sincerity in his voice. i sat there thinking he has a better chance of being an astronaut than being president.
i watched him as he said things i would be saying, with the same intensity i would be saying them. i found myself quietly nodding in agreement.
the man got my vote that night because he was me, and i could not , not vote for me.
that to me is a very good reason to vote for someone.
how many times have we voted for someone because he was the lesser of two evils or we were voting against the other guy.
i refuse to do that anymore.
i am voting for ralph nader, for the third time. yeah i fight windmills too.
if we do not start voting our hearts we will be lost. if we do not expand the political process to include real candidates for change we will remain serfs. we can be willing or unwilling serfs but serfs none the less.
we currently have a one party system in this is the corporate party.
we need to have a few more choices if we want a few more opportunities.
on a lighter note they almost had to carry me out of the courthouse today. no i was nort doing my wto revolutionary thing. i was laughing out loud.
one of the statewide acts was designed to change the constitution to keep idiots and the insane from voting hahahahahahahahahahaha.
i kid you not. hell if we did that who would be left to vote................needless to say i voted to keep things just the way they are hell i just might be an idiot or insane.
in the land of the blind even a one eyed man can be king.
your loyal info serf
om shanti
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1 comment:
Hello Joe,
Interesting read. However I really do not think corporate backing is a negative issue. Look, If you want to win a election, A successful campaign is one of the crucial factors. You need money for your campaigns and corporate funding is one of the biggest contributers. At the level of presidency, You have to entertain the Corporates till you get elected, No matter how honest you are, Otherwise you WILL NOT BE ELECTED. Obama will not be all for the average people but He wont ignore them either. I think as of today, the issues that America is facing can only be solved(not entirely) by Obama only. Obama is a neutral senator, Who isn't all clean, but he will deliver on all the promises he has made, So my suggestion would be to go through his policies and se if they interest you. Again I would like to stress that At the level of presidency, you have to entertain the Big players. Btw Independents are never realistic, they have idealistic demands that will never be attained. We are not living in heaven, This is earth, the corrupt momma of all planets. So Again I would suggest you to read obamas policies carefully, And see hats in it for you. I am sure he has issues,I really believe Obama will bring a minute change if not a big one. And independents will NEVER BE able to change anything, They do not have the power.
Kind Regards
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