Sunday, October 26, 2008



well i finally got it together to put up this site.
this being the first post i feel i should give my reasons for posting.

i have been alive for 59 years and have never experienced anything like the events of the last 6 months. i have observed and studied everything i could get my hands on to get an idea of the causes and the strategies to best deal with this financial crisis.

what i believe to be true is that none of these events were accidents. i also believe that the root cause is the federal reserve which is a PRIVATE corporation. it is not a government agency. it is run by the very people who created this crisis and who now tell us they will get us out. i will share my views of current events thru that filter. i welcome any and all comments and disagreements. my wish is for this site to be an open forum to share ideas and strategies in an effort to develop a community. not only in cyber space but in the "real " world.
i have been given an opportunity to have the time and the inclination to do the research which many are not able to do.

i have been inspired by an incredible guy named chris martenson. i first became aware of chris when i stumbled on a paper he wrote called "the end of money". it was a very catchy title. i read it and found his site on the web. i have been a member ever since. he is an incredible human being. he devoted 4 years of his life to putting together a synthesis of the economy, energy and the environment. it is called the crash course. it is 3 hours long and is divided into 20 chapters.
you can watch them at your leisure or all at once. it is the most complete treatment i have found in one place of all three issues.

he has put this information on the web absolutely free of charge..........amazing.
i will be arranging public showings in the nwa area and ask all of you to tell everyone you know about it.

i will be posting other resources i feel will be helpful and ask you to contribute any you feel will be useful.
helpful for what you may ask? well i see us at an incredible time in human history. we are watching the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the planet. i have watched as the middle class of this country has been systematically destroyed. our jobs have been shipped overseas, real wages have declined, we have been subjected to the hidden tax of inflation, our retirements have been absconded with and thru fuzzy numbers our senior citizens have lost much of their purchasing power. the top one percent pays less in taxes yet gets more government benefits.

it is for all these reasons i am writing this blog. the american people are for the most part ignorant of what has been happening and have been caught unawares and unprepared.
we have elected officials who have taken money from the rich and powerful and ignored the people who voted for them.
the media has marginalized any candidates who might offer real change therefore depriving the citizens of this country of a real debate and real change. we are given the choice of voting for the lesser of two evils rather than someone we can believe in.
barack obama receives more than 3 times the amount of campaign contributions from wall street than john mccain. i dont think we will see much change in the way our economy is run. his number one economic advisor is robert rubin former goldman sachs man and chairman of citigroup and partner with alan greenspan in the destruction of the u.s. dollar. i will devote an entire post to this upstanding citizen and all round "nice" guy.

well i have to sign off now but one more thing.
some of you might wonder about the title serfinfonetwork (SIN)
i am a serf as are most of you who are reading this. you either know it or you dont. you are either willing or unwilling serfs. i serf the news to keep myself informed and my family and friends.
there is an aristocracy in this country. they are a privileged class. that seeks nothing but more power and privilege. that privilege is derived from the toil of the serfs who till their fileds, mine their mines, clean their houses, fix their maseratis and wait on them at 5 star restaurants.

i will explore with you the numerous ways they tilt the playing field in their favor with total disregard for our welfare. i will do it with as much due dilligence and integrity as i can bring to bear. i will do it with as much humor as i can muster thru the tears as i think about this incredible dream called america and what has happened to it's promise of liberty and justice for all. live large laugh loud and love till it hurts.

your loyal info serf

om shanti

1 comment:

Kirk said...

Congrats Joe. I enjoy your writings and I look forward to this new format.